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Archives - September 2023

Lunch Orders Due, Picture Retake Day, Basketball Clinic and more

September 26, 2023
By Eagle Weekly

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Lunch Orders Due: Lunch orders for the weeks of October 2nd - 13th are due this Thursday, September 28th. 

Picture Retake Day: Picture retake day will be this Thursday, September 28th. This is for any student, faculty or staff who did not have their picture taken on the original picture day, or anyone needing retakes. 

Basketball Clinics: We will be hosting a Basketball Clinic for boys and girls Kindergarten-6th grade. The cost is $40 and will be billed to your FACTS account. This includes the clinic and a t-shirt. Please see the flier below and sign up using the QR Code on the flier. The deadline to sign up is October 6th.


 A poster for a basketball clinicDescription automatically generated

Homecoming Week: Homecoming week is October 9th - 13th. Spirit Week will have a Disco theme and will be filled with exciting events and fun “dress-up” days for our students. More information, including dress-up day themes, will be posted in next week’s Eagle Weekly.  

Eagles Nest: The Eagles Nest will be open on Friday from 7:45-8:45 am. Please enter from the exterior door that is between the intermediate and high school building. 

Also, be sure to follow us on Instagram for updates on new arrivals (@thenestconwaychristian) 

Concessions and Admissions Volunteers Needed: We have our Sign Up for Concessions and Admissions ready. We would greatly appreciate any help at the Football and Volleyball games! Please click the link below to sign up.

Upcoming Dates to Remember: 

  • September 28: Picture Retake Day
  • October 9-13: Homecoming Week
  • October 16: No School - Parent Teacher Conferences
  • October 27: Lower School Bowl-a-Thon
  • October 31: Community Helper Parade
  • October 31: Early Dismissal - Faculty/Staff Professional Development; Elementary students will dismiss at 11:45; Intermediate/High School will dismiss at noon

Lunch Orders Open, Life Choices Fundraiser, Jump Rope Team Practice and more

September 12, 2023
By Eagle Weekly

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Lunch Orders Open: Lunch orders for the weeks of October 2nd - 13th are open. Please check your student’s schedule before placing orders. Orders will close at the end of the day Thursday, September 28th.

Life Choices Change for Life Fundraiser: Baby bottles (kindergarten - 5th grade) and baggies (6th - 12th grade) will go home with students tomorrow, Wednesday, September 13th. Students who return their bottles/baggies on Thursday, September 14th will receive a no uniform day on Thursday, September, 14th.

CCS Jump Rope Team Practice: The first jump rope team practice will be Monday, September 25th at Antioch Baptist Church from 3:15 - 4:15. Sixth graders who are former jump rope team members are welcome to join the team. 

Eagles Nest: The Eagles Nest will be open on Friday from 7:45-8:45 am - please enter from the exterior door that is between the intermediate and high school building. 

Also, be sure to follow us on Instagram for updates on new arrivals (@thenestconwaychristian) 

PTF No Uniform Day Fundraiser: The September PTF No Uniform day will be Tuesday, September 26th.

Concessions and Admissions Volunteers Needed: We have our Sign Up for Concessions and Admissions ready. We would greatly appreciate any help at the Football and Volleyball games! Please click the link below to sign up.


Game Day and Live Stream Sponsors Needed: We still have spots available for game day and live stream sponsors! If interested, please contact Callie Heater at

The prices are:


Game Day Flyer and Livestream Sponsor- First come first serve.

$500/game for SH Football, SR Night $1000.00. 


Livestream sponsor for Volleyball, JH Football, or Soccer $150



 Upcoming Dates to Remember: 

  • September 18 - 22: No School - Fall Break
  • September 26: PTF No Uniform Day Fundraiser
  • September 28: Picture Retake Day
  • October 9-13: Homecoming Week
  • October 16: No School - Parent Teacher Conferences
  • October 31: Early Dismissal - Faculty/Staff Professional Development; Elementary students will dismiss at 11:45; Intermediate/High School will dismiss at noon

Special Edition: Moms in Prayer

September 07, 2023
By Eagle Weekly



Calling all moms! Beginning this Monday, September 11th, any interested mom is invited to join other moms of CCS in praying for our students, faculty/staff and more. The group will meet in the Elementary School from 2:30-3:00 beginning this coming Monday. There will be regular prayer meetings moving forward as this group desires to cover our school in prayer throughout the year. 

Lunch Orders Due, Jump Rope Team Tryouts, CCS Athletics News and more

September 05, 2023
By Eagle Weekly

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Lunch Orders Due: Lunch orders for the weeks of September 11th - 29th will close at the end of the day this Thursday, September 7th. *Please check your child’s schedule for doctor’s appointments, school events, vacation days or other days they will not be at school before placing your lunch order. 

CCS Jump Rope Team Tryouts: Students in 3rd - 5th grade are invited to join the CCS Jump Rope team. Tryouts will be Monday, September 11th from 3:30-4:30pm at the Antioch Baptist Church Gym (150 Amity Road). Students will need to wear athletic clothes, tennis shoes, and bring a water bottle. If you have been on the CCS team previously, please bring your speed rope. Our team will practice every Monday from 3:15-4:45pm. Come join the fun!! For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact Becky Ellis at 501-269-0000.

Eagles Nest: The Eagles Nest will be open on Friday from 7:45-8:45 am - please enter from the exterior door that is between the intermediate and high school building. Be sure to follow us on Instagram for updates on new arrivals (@thenestconwaychristian) 

CCS Girls Volleyball Clinic: Please see the attached flier for information about the kindergarten - 6th grade girl’s volleyball clinic. The last day to register for the clinic is this Thursday, September 7th.    

Concessions and Admissions Volunteers Needed: We have our Sign Up for Concessions and Admissions ready. We would greatly appreciate any help at the Football and Volleyball games! Please click the link below to sign up.


Game Day and Live Stream Sponsors Needed: We still have spots available for game day and live stream sponsors! If interested, please contact Callie Heater at

The prices are:

Game Day Flyer and Livestream Sponsor- First come first serve.

$500/game for SH Football , SR Night  $1000.00. 


Livestream sponsor for Volleyball, JH Football, or Soccer $150

Upcoming Dates to Remember: 

  • September 18 - 22: No School - Fall Break
  • September 28: Picture Retake Day
  • October 16: No School - Parent Teacher Conferences
  • October 31: Early Dismissal - Faculty/Staff Professional Development; Elementary students will dismiss at 11:45; Intermediate/High School will dismiss at noon
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Football vs Baptist Prep HOME)
September 1, 2023 | 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Golf-Mountain Ranch
September 7, 2023 | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Football @ Atkins
September 8, 2023 | 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
JH Football vs Hector (V Only)
September 14, 2023 | 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Football @Dierks Outlaws
September 15, 2023 | 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Fall Break
September 18, 2023
Fall Break
September 19, 2023
Fall Break
September 20, 2023
Fall Break
September 21, 2023
Fall Break
September 22, 2023
Football @ North Platte
September 22, 2023 | 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Volleyball Clinic
September 29, 2023 | 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM