Ways to Give
Ways to Give to Conway Christian
Conway Christian is a 501c3 not for profit organization. All donations, regardless of the method, are tax-deductible and go to program improvements.
Gifts of Cash/Check
Gifts made by cash or check are tax deductible in the year the donation is given. Gifts of cash provide immediate support to the daily activities and life at Conway Christian. Checks should be made payable to Conway Christian, with Annual Fund in the memo line and can be mailed to:
Online via Credit/Debit Cards
Credit card gifts are fully tax-deductible and allow you to take advantage of your credit card reward program by making a gift online.
Corporate Matching Gifts
Many companies offer programs that will "match" charitable contributions made by their employees, employee's spouses, or retirees. Corporate gift matching can sometimes double a donation to Conway Christian. Contact your company's HR department for matching gift details
Gifts of Stock and Securities
Conway Christian accepts gifts of stock and securities. Many professionals encourage giving to not-for-profit organizations using gifts of stock simply because it often offers better tax positioning for the donor and keeps cash in the bank.
Planned Giving
Making a bequest to Conway Christian is one way of making a larger gift than you thought was possible. It involves no immediate loss of capital or income, and tax benefits minimize the ultimate cost to the donor. Please talk with an estate planning professional about putting Conway Christian in your will, or other options like a charitable remainder trust which allows you to see the benefits of your gift while still living, supports you during your retirement years and leaves the remainder of the gift to Conway Christian upon death.